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Chapter 1. General Provisions

1. This Regulation in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2831 of March 14, 2017 «On Additional Measures to Improve the Efficiency of Design Work in the Basic Sectors of the Economy» defines the structure, tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities, Technical Council of the Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - STC).

2. The following basic concepts are used in this Regulation:

  • pre-design documentation - a set of documents proving the feasibility and feasibility of implementing a project with the parameters adopted, as well as assessing its viability. Pre-design documentation includes: preliminary feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project; competitive documentation for competitive bidding for the supply of materials and equipment and for construction and installation and other types of work; final feasibility study or feasibility study of the project, as well as financial proposals and / or credit and investment agreements (in the case of raising funds);
  • preliminary feasibility study or preliminary technical and economic calculation (hereinafter - PFS) is a pre-design document that justifies the choice of rational location and the most effective technical, organizational and economic implementation solution, the maximum project cost in general, including the cost of technological equipment, based on consideration of options and determining the amount of funding requirements, taking into account options for possible sources of financing;
  • feasibility study or feasibility study (hereinafter referred to as feasibility study or TER) is a pre-design document that establishes the most effective technical, organizational and financial-economic solutions for the implementation of the investment project, determined on the basis of competitive bidding and taking into account the conditions for project financing;
  • the basic branches of the economy are organizations related to the geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries (with the exception of the oil and gas industry in accordance with the requirement of the Presidential Decree No. PP-2901 of April 19, 2017 «On improving the organization of project works in the oil and gas industry»);
  • the conclusion of the STC is a document developed on the basis of the results of the examination of the pre-design documentation of investment projects carried out in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the secretariat of the STC is the body that provides the preparation of materials on the issues discussed at the STC meetings.

3. The work of the STC is organized on the basis of the Regulations on the Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 25, 2017 No. R-4917.

4. The STC is a collegiate body for reviewing the pre-design documentation of investment projects developed by the National Design Institute «UzEngineering» under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - the Institute), as well as other project organizations in the basic sectors of the economy.

5. Developed FS / TEC investment projects in the basic sectors of the economy, with the exception of the oil and gas industry, are submitted for expert examination to the authorized bodies in accordance with the established procedure only after the positive conclusion of the Institute of Technology.

Chapter 2. Tasks and functions of the STC

6. In accordance with the Regulations of the Institute, the main task of the STC is to review and issue conclusions on pre-design documentation (FS / TEC) developed by the Institute, as well as other project organizations, in the basic sectors of the economy.

7. The STC has the following functions:

  • considers technical and economic parameters of FS / TEC investment projects based on the results of their expertise by the Institute's specialists and sections;
  • based on the results of the examination carried out by the Institute, determines the practical possibility of implementing an investment project, based on the needs of the industry and the economy as a whole;
  • approves the conclusions of the Institute (in accordance with the form attached to this Regulation) for further consideration and approval in accordance with the established procedure of pre-design documentation on the basic branches of the economy in the authorized bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • if necessary, issues recommendations on the further implementation of investment projects.

Chapter 3. Composition of STC

8. The composition of the STC is approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

9. The STC includes sections on relevant sectors of the economy and the secretariat.

Chapter 4. Rights and Obligations of STC

10. STC has the right:

  • issue opinions, proposals, recommendations on the examined pre-design documentation, recommend projects for completion by the initiators (customers) of the projects or for further consideration (examination) in the authorized bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • to attract on a contract basis highly qualified consultants and specialists (usually from experienced practitioners, experts / experts from independent consulting and engineering companies, including foreign ones) from the staff of the sectoral departments, design institutes, and other organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the preparation of questions on meetings of the council, the selection and systematization of materials;
  • to send to the state and economic management bodies, project and other organizations, requests signed by the Chairman of the STC or his deputy on providing the necessary information or opinions on the issues under consideration. At the same time, the state and economic management bodies, design and other organizations to which the request is directed, are obliged to submit to the Institute within 5 working days the appropriate response;
  • to create temporary working groups from among the specialists of the Institute, state and economic management bodies, design and other organizations (in agreement with their leaders) to address issues related to the competence and responsibility of the STC;
  • appoint independent experts, including foreign (on a contractual basis), to review and issue opinions on projects;
  • convene in due course meetings on issues falling within the competence of the STC.

At the same time, the costs of attracting specialists and independent experts are carried out at the expense of funds received for the services provided by the Institute for the development and examination of projects.

11. The Chairman of the STC has the right:

  • to attract independent experts, if necessary, and to conclude agreements with them on rendering consulting services for a specific investment project;
  • approve minutes of STC meetings;
  • issue recommendations on the decisions of the members of the STC;
  • take other decisions on issues related to the work of the STC in accordance with this Regulation.

12. Members of the STC have the following rights and powers:

  • participate in STC decision-making and state, if necessary, their opinion;
  • take part in the work of the STC when discussing issues within their competence;
  • to propose questions for discussion at the STC meetings;
  • to get acquainted with the materials prepared for consideration at the meeting of the STC.

13. Members of the STC are obliged:

  • Make decisions based on careful and thorough consideration of the agenda materials;
  • Ensure attendance at full-time meetings of the STC ;
  • Observe confidentiality conditions when working with information provided.

Chapter 5. Responsibility of the members of the STC

14. The members of the STC and its sections are responsible in accordance with the legislation for the decisions taken on the matters considered at the NTS meetings, including for:

  • objectivity assessment of scientific and technical and technical and economic level of the investment project outcomes under consideration;
  • the correct choice of the project implementation strategy in conjunction with raw materials and the efficiency of technological processes in accordance with modern requirements;
  • optimal choice of technology, technological equipment and technical solutions;
  • timely consideration and making decisions on the investment projects under consideration.

Chapter 6. Regulations of the STC

15. STC and its sections are competent to consider issues and make decisions with participation of at least 75% of its members in its meetings.

16. The Chairman of the STC or his deputy organizes the work of the STC, forms the agenda and conducts a meeting.

17. If it is impossible for a member of the STC to participate in a meeting of the STC for a good reason, the head of the ministry, agencies, organizations subordinate to the specialist, send a different authorized representative to the chairman of the STC.

18. A package of materials for consideration at the sessions of the sections, as well as draft decisions of the STC, are prepared by the relevant responsible MEPs together with the heads of the functional departments of the Institute in the areas of the issues under consideration.

19. Not later than 3 days prior to the STC meeting, the relevant responsible MEP of the Institute shall submit to the STC Chairman, his deputy, the head of the STC secretariat, as well as each member of the STC, the agenda of the meeting and the draft conclusion of the STC, including, if necessary, additional materials for the preparation for the meeting.

20. At the request of any member of the STC, the Institute's MEP responsible shall provide it with the necessary materials requested for examination, with the exception of materials constituting a state or other secret.

21. If necessary, for deeper study of materials submitted for the discussion of the STC and the formation of an expert opinion, the Institute may involve competent specialists who are not members of the STC, including expert experts from abroad.

22. Prepared draft decisions on the issues under consideration are reported to the STC meeting by the Institute's responsible MEO of the Institute. If necessary, based on the specifics of the project or issue under consideration, the reports of representatives of the initiator, the project customer, and the project organization.

23. Decisions at the STC meetings are taken by open voting by a simple majority. If the votes are equal, the voice of the Chairman of the STC is decisive.

24. The results of the meeting are drawn up by a protocol, which is prepared by the relevant responsible of MEP, is signed directly by him. Members of the STC are signing an agreement sheet. The minutes shall be approved by the Chairman of the STC, in case of his absence, by the Deputy Chairman of the STC.

The draft conclusion of the STC is formalized and, if necessary, finalized after the STC meeting within a period not exceeding two working days from the date of the meeting.

The draft conclusion of the STC is made in two copies, with the last page of the first copy of the imprisonment on the reverse side being posted by the heads of the institute units participating in the examination, as well as by the deputy chairman and head of the STC secretariat.

Two copies of the draft conclusion are signed on the last sheet by the section head (on the direction of the issue under consideration) and by the responsible of MEP.

The conclusion is agreed with all members of the STC section present at the meeting, filling out and signing the consent sheet.

After the completion of this procedure, the conclusion of the NTS in two copies is submitted for approval to the Chairman of the STC.

25. One copy of the approved conclusion of the STC in accordance with the established procedure is transferred to the initiator (customer) of the project - for further examination of the project in the authorized bodies.

The second copy of the approved conclusion of the STC is transferred for storage to the Department of Scientific, Technical and Information and Analytical Developments of the Institute.

26. The preparation and conduct of the STS meeting should not exceed a week from the date of the drafting of the STS draft for consideration.

27. In some cases (according to the decision of the STC Chairman) the conclusion of the STC is being prepared by the specialists of the Institute, finalized by the relevant responsible MEP and coordinated with the members of the STC by a poll method, without a meeting, and by the results of individual work with each member of the STC, with the departures of the responsible MEP (his deputy, specialist of the Bureau) of the Institute at the place of work of the STC members.

Members of the Institute's STC sign a list of approval of the conclusion, as a document confirming their personal participation in its consideration. If there is a special opinion on the issue under consideration, a member of the STC should arrange it in the form of a memorandum addressed to the chairman of the STC and submit it to the STC secretariat.

The approval sheet is considered valid if it contains 75 percent or more signatures of the STC members of this section.

After signing the properly issued conclusion of the STC with the completed approval sheet is submitted for approval to the Chairman of the STC.

Chapter 7. The procedure of the STC Secretariat

28. The STC Secretariat consists of the head of the secretariat and secretaries of the sections.

STC Secretariat:

  • forms the draft agenda of the meetings of the STC sections;
  • organizes meetings of the STC;
  • prepares draft protocols and conclusions of the STC on the issues under consideration.
  • At the same time, drafts of the agenda, draft protocols of meetings and conclusions of the STC are prepared by the secretaries of the sections of the STC.
  • The STC Secretariat organizes the attendance and materials for the members of the STC sections for meetings.

The minutes of the meetings of the sections of the STC are formalized in accordance with the established procedure. The protocol is signed by the secretary of the section and approved by the chairman of the STC.

to the Statute of the Scientific and Technical Council
The Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering»
under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Content of the STC conclusion on the review of PFS and FS of investment projects

1. Name of the project.

2. The initiator.

3. The customer.

4. Project organization.

5. Grounds for development, incl.:

  • conclusions on the compliance of the completed pre-design documentation with the parameters of the approved design task, as well as confirmation of the availability of industry council conclusions on the feasibility of the project;
  • basic documents confirming the need to implement the project.

6. Objective of the project.

7. Characteristics of the construction site, incl.:

variants of object location, results of comparative analysis and advantages of the selected site, site, route;

a brief description of the area, the point recommended for construction of the site, information about natural and climatic, engineering-geological, ecological and other conditions.

8. The main parameters of the project, incl.:

  • volume of output (capacity);
  • the basic nomenclature of production and its characteristics;

availability of material, raw materials and other types of resources (main types of raw materials, materials, components).

9. The main technological solutions adopted in the project, incl. general characteristics of technological processes, basic technological equipment, machines and mechanisms.

10. Principal architectural and construction and space-planning solutions and their basic parameters.

11. Basic solutions for engineering support and equipment of the facility.

12. Characteristics and volume of harmful emissions and sewage during construction and operation, availability of measures for the prevention of environmental pollution.

13. Industrial Safety.

14. Financial and economic evaluation of the project, incl.:

  • the project implementation budget and the financing plan;
  • costs, cost of sales, taxes and other mandatory contributions to state trust funds;
  • assessment of the financial and economic efficiency and payback of the project, as well as the acceptability of the proposed financing scheme;
  • sensitivity analysis to key project indicators.

15. Risks and uncertainty aspects.

16. Conclusions and remarks on the further promotion of the project, incl.:

  • onformity of the project with the approved project development task;
  • the correctness of the choice of the project implementation strategy in conjunction with raw materials;
  • optimal choice of technologies and technological equipment (high-tech, energy efficiency, etc.);
  • financial and economic feasibility of project implementation.
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