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8 August 2023 | Source: https://uza.uz/en/posts/cengiz-holding-presents-new-plans-to-expand-business-in-uzbekistan_509282 466

Cengiz Holding presents new plans to expand business in Uzbekistan

On August 8, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received a delegation from the Turkish company Cengiz Holding, led by Chairman of the Board Mehmet Cengiz.

Issues of further enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation, including the implementation of joint projects for the development and modernization of the sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan, were considered.

It should be noted that with the participation of this leading Turkish diversified holding, two projects were completed in Uzbekistan – modern power plants were put into operation in Tashkent and Syrdarya regions with a total capacity of 460 megawatts.

At the meeting, the President of Uzbekistan was reported in detail on the performance of these energy facilities.

In addition, the President of Uzbekistan launched the construction of another power plant in Jizzakh region with a capacity of over 500 megawatts.

Cengiz Holding also presented plans for implementing new projects worth more than $5 billion.

mong them are the modernization and construction of roads and tunnels, the conduction of geological exploration and the development of promising mineral deposits, and the management of energy infrastructure on the terms of public-private partnership.

The Leader of Uzbekistan gave instructions on the speedy preparation and full-scale implementation of promising projects with the participation of the Turkish investor.

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