Construction activities continue

Large-scale activity is carried out in Turakurgan district of Namangan region in accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan on additional measures for implementation of the investment project “Construction of Turakurgan Thermal Power Plant” of December 30, 2016.
The total project cost of the station, built by the order of Uzbekenergo JSC, is 1 billion 195 million 870 thousand dollars.
Construction activity on the energy structure, the area of which will take about 127 hectares, has transformed this area and turned it into a small village.

The consortium of Japanese companies Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, which won the international tender in April 2016 and acts as the main contractor in the project, following the schedule, performs construction activities qualitatively to deliver the object to the customer on a turnkey basis. A contract was signed with it for implementation of works for $ 749.43 million. The Turkish company Сalik Enerji is involved as an additional contractor to construction and installation works, the engineers and technicians of which work closely with local colleagues.
– In the process of construction, particular attention is paid primarily to quality, – said the head of construction directorate of Turakurgan TPP N.Nasibaliyev. – Quality control is carried out by the customer and TEPCO Japanese company. The first power unit of the station will be launched in December 2019, the second power unit and the station are planned to be commissioned in March 2020.