Development of industrial production is the result of implementing programs of structural transformation of the economy

The implementation of programs of reforming, structural transformations and diversification of industries, strengthening of the material and technical base contributed to the development of the republic's industry.
Despite the decline in the volume of industrial production by 0.2% to 1990, beginning from 2000 there has been an increase of 1.2 times (compared to 1990), in 2005 - 1.8 times, in 2010 - 3.0 times, and in 2016 - 4.6 times.
Figure 1
Dynamics of growth in industrial production
It should be noted that in 2016 the industrial output of the republic was formed mainly at the expense of the city of Tashkent (21.0%), Tashkent region (15.1%), Navoi region (9.5%), Kashkadarya region (8.6%), Fergana region (7.2%), Andizhan region (7.1%) and Samarkand region (6.7%), an insignificant share belongs to Djizhak region (1.8%), Surkhandarya region (2.0%) and Khorezm region (2.5%).
Figure 2
Share of regions in total industrial output in 2016
(as percent of total)
The largest average per capita industrial output in 2016 is observed in Navoi region (11395 thousand soums), the city of Tashkent (9761 thousand soums), Tashkent region (5998 thousand soums), Syrdarya region (4421 thousand soums) and Kashkadarya region (3151 thousand soums), the lowest one - in Surkhandarya region (903 thousand soums) and Namangan region (1323.0 thousand soums).
Figure 3
Industrial output per capita by regions in 2016, in thousand soums
Modernization and diversification of leading industries, introduction of modern technologies for processing raw materials and semi-finished products, targeted support of industries that have high competitiveness in the world market contributed to an increase in the share of manufacturing industry in the production structure.
If in 2010 the share of the manufacturing industry in the total volume of production was 73.8%, then in 2016 it increased to 80.3%.
Figure 4
Structure of industry by types of activities
(in percentage terms)
In the total volume of industrial production, output with high value added: food products, textiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. has increased.
Only in 2016 the increase in production of the manufacturing industry compared to the previous year was 6.4%, including the production of basic pharmaceuticals - 40.3%, chemicals, rubber and plastic products - 34.4%, other non-metallic and mineral products - 20.9%, food, beverages, tobacco products - 10.8%, - textiles, clothes, leather products - 9.0%.
At the same time, in recent years despite significant capital investments in oil and gas enterprises, in 2016 the increase in production volumes of enterprises engaged in gas production amounted to only 2.0% compared to 2015, while in oil production enterprises it decreased by 3.3% .
Also, in 2016 it was marked a decrease in the production volumes of enterprises for production of coke and refined products (97.1% to 2015), computers, electronic and optical products (78.4%), motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (50.6% ), repair, installation of machinery and equipment (96.4%). A negligible increase in the production volume of enterprises of the metallurgical industry (101.6%) was observed.
Table 1
Industrial production by types of activities
(in percentage terms)
2010 |
2016 |
Growth rate 2016 as % of
| ||
Total |
100,0 |
100,0 |
156,1 | |
of which: | ||||
mining and quarrying |
15,0 |
9,6 |
121,0 |
manufacturing |
73,8 |
80,3 |
166,6 | |
of which: | ||||
food products, beverages, tobacco products |
18,0 |
23,9 |
191,6 |
textiles, apparel, leather products |
14,4 |
16,7 |
168,8 |
chemical products, rubber and plastic products |
6,6 |
8,9 |
188,3 |
metallurgy |
8,1 |
7,2 |
121,4 |
main pharmaceutical products and preparations |
0,5 |
1,1 |
3,8 t. |
manufacture, repair, installation of machinery and equipment, manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, other fabricated metal products |
15,1 |
9,8 |
133,8 |
other non-metallic mineral products |
4,3 |
5,7 |
2,1 t. |
electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply |
10,7 |
9,4 |
125,2 |
water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation |
0,5 |
0,7 |
165,9 |
In 2016 modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of industries contributed to the growth of labor productivity in industry by 4.3% against the previous year, by 1.4 times compared to 2010.
Figure 5
Growth of labor productivity and reduction in the energy intensity of GDP, in industry
The implementation of the Program on measures to reduce energy intensity, introduction of energy-saving technologies in the economic and social sectors contributed to a reduction in the energy intensity of the country's GDP. Only in 2016 the energy intensity of GDP decreased by 7.4% compared to the previous year and amounted to 0.1765 toe / thousand dollars of GDP.
The analysis of the renovation of fixed assets in 2016 shows that the coefficient of renovation of industrial and production fixed assets in the industry as a whole was 19.1%, of which 29.4% in the manufacturing and 11.5% in mining and quarrying.
The level of profitability of industrial enterprises was 15.1%.
Figure 6
Coefficients of renewal of industrial and production fixed assets and level of profitability of industrial enterprises by types of economic activities in 2016
Increase in output at enterprises with an in-depth level of processing of local raw materials, expansion of the assortment of finished products contributed to an increase in the share of consumer goods in the total volume of industry. If in 2010 the share of consumer goods in industry was 35.9%, then in 2016 it reached 43.1%.
In 2016 compared to 1991, the volume of consumer goods production increased by 10.9 times, compared to 2015 - by 6.0%.
In the regional context, there is an increase in the production of consumer goods in Namangan region (growth rate by 2015 - 122.2%), Djizhak region (120.5%), the city of Tashkent (119.4%), Surkhandarya region (119.4%), Tashkent region (114.5%), Kashkadarya region (112.7%), etc.
Share of regions in total volume of consumer goods production in 2016
(as percent of total)
In 2016, the largest volume of consumer goods was produced at enterprises of the city of Tashkent (24.2% of the republican volume), Tashkent region (13.0%), Andizhan region (11.0%), Samarkand region (10.5%), Fergana region (6,9%), and Bukhara region (5.5%).
The largest per capita consumer goods production in 2016 was observed in the city of Tashkent (4857.7 thousand soums), Navoi region (2287.2 thousand soums), Tashkent region (2222.9 thousand soums), Andizhan region (1809.5 thousand soums) and Syrdarya region (1762.1 thousand soums), the lowest one - in Surkhandarya region (404.3 thousand soums) and the Republic of Karakalpakstan (603.4 thousand soums).
Figure 8
Consumer goods production per capita by regions in 2016
(in thousand soums)
Figure 9
Dynamics of growth rates in production of consumer goods, as percentage of previous year
Compared to 2010, the structure of consumer goods shows an increase in the share of food production from 41.9% to 48.5% in 2016.
Figure 10
Structure of consumer goods production
(in percentage terms)
Figure 11
Dynamics of change in consumer goods production, as percentage of previous year
Influence of small business and private enterprise on the development of industrial production
Comprehensive support and stimulation of the development of private entreprise have affected the increase in the contribution of small businesses entities to the development of industrial production. If in 2005 the share of small enterprise production in the total volume of industry was 10.0%, then in 2016 it reached 45.3%, the growth rate of industrial output to 2015 was 116.4%.
The share of small business in the city of Tashkent amounted to 71.0% of the total production volume (growth rate - 117.0%), Namangan region - 69.4% (124.2%), Samarkand region – 60.1% (118.8%), Djizhak region - 59.1% (140.0%), Andizhan region - 50.4% (117.5%).
In the structure of small enterprise production, the largest share falls on the output of manufacturing enterprises - 98.0% of the total output (growth rate to 2015 - 116.3%). Of these, production of food, beverages, and tobacco products - 36.4% (growth rate 114.2%), textiles and apparel - 23.7% (112.2%), production and repair of machinery and equipment – 9.4% (105.1%), production of pharmaceutical products and preparations - 8.1% (130.9%).
Figure 12
Share of small enterprises in industry, as percentage of total industrial output
The development of small business and private enterprises in the republic contributed to an increase in the share of the non-state sector in industry. If in 1990 the contribution of enterprises of the non-state sector in industry was 9.9% of the total output, in 2000 - 63.9%, then in 2016 it reached 93.8%.
Figure 13
Structure of industry by forms of ownership
(in percentage terms)
In 2016 regional enterprises (excluding enterprises with a dominant state share in the statutory fund) produced goods to the amount of 64136.8 billion soums (57.3% of the total output), exceeding the indicators of 2015 by 13.5%.
In the structure of output produced by these enterprises the largest share belongs to enterprises in the city of Tashkent (31.1% of the production volume of local enterprises), Tashkent region (13.3%), Samarkand region (9%), Fergana region (7.6%), and Andizhan region (7.3%).
The highest growth rates are registered in the enterprises of Djizhak region (136.3%), Syrdarya region (125.7%), Namangan region (119.5%), and Tashkent region (116.4%).
3.Implementation of the Localization Program for production of finished products, components and materials is one of the factors contributing to the increase in the volume of industrial production
Implementation of measures to increase the volume of localization of production of finished products, components and materials is one of the factors to increase the production of industrial products and reduce the import of goods necessary for the production activities of enterprises.
Figure 14
Key indicators of the Localization Program for production of finished products, components and materials
The share of localized products produced in the framework of the Localization Program in the total industrial output increased from 2.8% in 2003 to 5.5% in 2016, the number of enterprises included in the Localization Program increased from 74 in 2003 to 318 in 2016.
Figure 15
Change in the share of localized products in total industrial output
(in percentage terms)
In 2016, 695 projects were implemented at the enterprises covered by the Localization Program, including 38001 industrial projects amounting 4014.6 billion soums and 315 regional projects amounting 2131.2 billion soums. The total volume of sales of products produced in the framework of the projects exceeded the indicators of 2015 by 1.5 times.
At the same time, in 2016 the implementation of 47 projects (24 industrial projects and 23 regional projects) included in the Localization Program was not started; there are not enough projects to produce industrial equipment.
4.Factors stimulating the development of industrial production
The implementation of programs to diversify and modernize production contributed to the development of the republic's industry. At the same time, for the further sustainable development of industry it is necessary to:
- increase competitiveness of production due to development of progressive domestic technologies, introduction of modern information and communication technologies;
- to address deficiencies in the formation and implementation of the Localization Program that limit the level of localization and reduce the import of necessary goods, including equipment, which prevents the creation of new jobs;
- provide full support and stimulate the productive activity of small business entities.