New gas fields in Karakalpakstan

2018 began with an important event for the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan. According to the Press Service of “Uzbekneftgaz” joint stock company, new industrial gas condensate reserves have been discovered in the Lower Surgil on the Ustyurt plateau in Karakalpakstan.
Specialists of JSC “Uzbekgeofizika” have expanded activity on hydrocarbon exploration in the bowels of the Ustyurt plateau. Ustyurt is a harsh land. Strong frosts in winter and scorching heat in summer, lack of water make it unsuitable for life. However, its bowels store many natural resources.
Despite unfavorable weather and climate conditions of the region, experts installed a drilling rig here and laid the first well. Assumptions of domestic geologists were fully confirmed – the first cubic meters of gas were delivered to the well. Gas condensate was discovered as a result of the mining and geophysical activities carried out at the beginning of 2018 at a depth of 3600 meters.
In the near future, experts will assess the growth of hydrocarbon reserves. Proposals for the next areas of exploration at the Lower Surgil field have been prepared.