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31 December 2019 | Source: Uzbekistan National News Agency (UzA) 708

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Not numbers are important, but the result
On the last working day of 2019, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with heads of the chambers of Parliament, members of the government, heads of ministries and agencies, where he summed up the results of the outgoing year and identified important tasks for 2020.

Large-scale reforms are being implemented in all spheres in the country. Important legal acts are being adopted aimed at modernizing economic sectors, making full use of the regions’ potential and improving people’s wellbeing. This process takes into account the initiatives and suggestions of the public, financial and organizational issues are resolved.

Results of these comprehensive activities are felt in all areas. Solutions are found to even impossible issues. Most importantly, people’s living conditions are improving, contentment with the state and life is growing.

Transformations taking place in Uzbekistan are also highly appreciated by the international community. In particular, one of the authoritative publications – Economist named Uzbekistan “Country of the Year” for the most dynamic reforms in 2019.

At the same time, Uzbekistan is ranked among the best reformers in the World Bank's Doing Business Ranking for 2019.

It is necessary to make sure that this success continue in 2020, which should ensure the implementation of decisions taken on development of industries and regions, achieve even better results.

The Head of the state noted that the results achieved so far are not the limit, there is much to be done to further improve people’s life, increase the country’s economic power and make wider use of available opportunities, so that 2020 will become a test.

The President pointed to the need for learning the right conclusions from mistakes made in 2019, qualitative implementation of measures planned for 2020, specific definition of responsible performers and deadlines. It was also noted that it is necessary to organize the execution of tasks with an exit visits and ensure constant monitoring.

It was emphasized that the Cabinet of Ministers should effectively organize the activities of the executive power, develop performance indicators for ministries, state committees and other departments for each quarter of 2020, and take their implementation under strict control.

The need for implementing serious changes in effective management of state-owned enterprises and reduce the state's participation in the economy in the next year was pointed out.

The task was set to introduce a new system of construction and launch of infrastructure facilities within the framework of investment program, accelerate the initiated reforms in transport, especially rail and air.

Instructions were given to streamline the market of construction-contract works and design services, create free competition and implement modern urban development standards, reduce the cost of construction. It was pointed out that it is necessary to perform urgent tasks in drinking and heat supply.

Instructions were given to ensure macroeconomic stability, reduce inflation, transfer pricing completely to market mechanisms and create a free competitive environment.

At the same time, it is necessary to prevent a sharp increase in prices by expanding the production of consumer goods, especially food by reducing costs.

The importance of continuing reforms in the banking system and expanding convenient and high-quality banking services was noted.

Special attention was paid to increasing the entrepreneurial activity of the population, eliminating the mood of dependency. The necessity of creating a favorable business environment, in particular, further improvement of tax administration, wide application of information technologies and maximum reduction of human factor was noted.

Head of the state pointed to the need for early organization of systematic measures to explain in detail the rules of new Tax Code to taxpayers.

Special attention was paid to the effective organization of work in foreign trade and investment. Instructions were given to effectively use direct investment and foreign loans, direct them to projects with concrete results and bring targeted work with investors to a new level.

At the same time, it was pointed out that it is necessary to organize systematic work on implementation of agreements and projects reached during foreign visits, ensure a concrete result.

It is necessary to increase the export potential of the economy, expand the range and diversify the geography of exports, radically improve foreign trade activities to enter new markets. It is necessary to reform the areas of customs, standardization, quarantine and others, turn them into assistants to entrepreneurs.

Specific tasks for progressive continuation of reforms in education, healthcare, tourism and other social spheres were identified at the meeting.

The highest priority in tourism is to bring the tourist flow next year to 7.5 million people, and the volume of exports of tourist services to more than 1.5 billion USD.

The need for strengthening the attention of youth, especially girls, to family life was noted. As the President noted, it is necessary to form a sense of responsibility for the family, properly conduct psychological training for family relations and create a healthy environment in families.

For the heads of industries and agro-industrial complex, the most priority task will be to ensure the implementation of the Strategy for Development of Agriculture for 2020-2030. At the same time, it is necessary to create necessary conditions for cotton, grain, rice clusters, constantly analyze and eliminate potential problems in the new system.

Necessary instructions were also given for development of oil and gas, chemical, and energy industries, active involvement of private sector and investment, increasing the production of raw materials.

For full and high-quality performance of certain tasks, all managers must go down to lower levels of their system and must maximize the mobilization of staff and resources, stated at the meeting.

Chairperson of the Senate and Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Prime Minister and members of the government, heads of state and public organizations addressed on the issues considered by the President, who noted that they will establish a systematic work for qualitative implementation of these instructions.

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