The concept of developing of atomic energy of Uzbekistan accepted

As noted in the beginning of the document, the Agency for Development of Nuclear Power under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzatom Agency), together with the relevant ministries and departments, carried out activities of the Road Map for the implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation in 2018-2021 on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan.
The Decree approved the Concept, which provides for:
development of a national nuclear infrastructure, including the formation of a regulatory legal framework, the participation of Uzbekistan in the global nuclear safety regime, ensuring openness to the public of the nuclear energy program, and provision of qualified personnel;
construction of the first nuclear power plant, including site selection and licensing of placement, design, construction and commissioning of nuclear power plants;
ensuring environmental protection and radiation protection of people when using atomic energy;
organizing a safe and economically efficient nuclear fuel cycle, including the long-term provision of nuclear energy with nuclear fuel, creating conditions for safe management of spent fuel, organizing its reprocessing and the disposal of waste;
ensuring the long-term development of nuclear energy, including the development of nuclear science and technology, the acquisition of design, engineering, environmental and other knowledge and experience by domestic organizations, in order to support the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant, analyzing the nuclear technology trends to select the reference technology for future nuclear power plants.
The Resolution also approved the Road Map for implementation of the Concept for development of domestic nuclear power for the period of development 2019-2029.
The “Road Map” includes the implementation of measures for: joining or implementing the provisions of international conventions in the field of nuclear safety into the legislation of Uzbekistan, as well as developing and adopting norms and rules in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy; site selection and licensing of NPP location, design, construction and commissioning of the NPP and its external infrastructure facilities; environmental protection and radiation protection, including the removal and storage of spent nuclear fuel, as well as the management of fresh and spent nuclear fuel; the development of atomic science and technology, as well as non-energy nuclear technologies for the economic and social sectors, nuclear medicine and radiochemistry; monitoring and control of the implementation of measures stipulated by the Concept.