Waste disposal - the basis of environmental and fire safety

At all times, environmental problem has been and stay on being relevant. World economic growth, as a result of increasing in the world's population, although the tendency for birth inclination in a number of countries, is attending by increasing the number of various pollutions. One of the most serious environmental problems is the waste growth. Billions of tons of garbage by mankind annually become a hazard to the environment and human health and life.
So, staff of Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan prepared several articles on the basics of environmental and fire safety, waste management and environmental security.
We present to your attention articles from the newspaper «Vaziyat (Situation)» № 51 (735) dated 12.19.2019y. and the magazine «Muhofaza + (Defense +)» № 11 (179) of 11.20.2019y. Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article from the newspaper «Vaziyat (Situation)» № 51 (735) dated 12.19.2019y.

Article from the magazine «Muhofaza + (Defense +)» № 11 (179) dated 11.20.2019y.