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23 February 2018 | Source: Uzbekistan national news agency (UzA) 588

In Tashkent region, 17 small industrial zones with a total area of 140.1 hectares were organized in order to effectively use the rich natural-economic, mineral-raw materials, scientific-technical and labor potential of the region, to support small businesses and private entrepreneurship, to create new jobs and conditions for increasing the income of the population.  

The decree of the President of our country “on the establishment of small industrial zones in the Tashkent region” dated August 10, 2017 serves as an important guide to action in this direction.  

It should be noted that in these industrial zones in 2017-2018 it is planned to establish the production of textile, leather, footwear, chemical, food, electrical products, building materials, processing of fruits and vegetables, production of Windows, doors and frames, polyethylene pipes, furniture and other export-oriented products. To date, 113 projects worth 1 trillion 417 billion 903 million soums have won the tender in the region. As a result of the implementation of projects in the territory of small industrial zones, more than 5,000 jobs will be created.  

The individual businessman Otabek Sultonov from a young age engaged in the profession of the father - the manufacture of doors and frames. Today the doors made of MDF made by it in Almalyk are in great demand.  

– I started my business in 2014, - says O. Sultanov. - I pay special attention to the quality of products. The advantage of these doors is that they are resistant to moisture, do not deform under the influence of temperature and will last a long time. The tender Commission approved my business project to establish and expand activities in the local small industrial zone and allocated me a land plot. We plan to finish construction by August of this year. As a result, 30 jobs will be created. We also plan to import a computerized machine of 3G Rover brand from China. Milling patterns on the doors will be carried out using a computer program. This will significantly improve the quality of products and expand its range. The products will mainly be exported.  

Small industrial zones, organized in empty buildings and structures, on vacant land plots, contribute to the creation of new jobs and increase export potential.  

Currently, construction works are being carried out by entrepreneurs on 87.2 hectares of small industrial zones of the region, another 12.8 hectares are continuing to accommodate the initiators of the projects. In particular, the limited liability company “Alter fuel from” Buka district, work is underway on the production and export of briquettes. Enterprise "Alyukabel payrav" Yangiyul district will be put into operation in March-April this year. Society with limited liability “Falakdan najot 2017”, “Trigger group”, “G azalkent building” and “Mineral plyus”, located in small industrial zones Jizzakh and Bostanlyk district, will start its activities in April-may.  

- However, we still have a lot of problems, – says the first Deputy Governor of the region on the development of industry, economy and entrepreneurship O. Rustamov. – In accordance with the decree of the President, a working group was created from among the responsible persons of the Khokimiyat of the region and deputies of the regional Kengash people's deputies, which developed a topographic map of all territories where there are small industrial zones created earlier this year. The conditions created for entrepreneurs and existing shortcomings were studied. In accordance with the resolution, 54.1 hectares of land are allocated for small industrial zones of Buka, Bekabad, Parkent, Yangiyul and Yukorichirchik districts, as well as the city of Bekabad. However, to date, only 27.6 hectares of land have been allocated. The state Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on land resources, geodesy, cartography and state cadastre, district and city khokimiyats and other organizations will jointly deal with this situation.  

During the study, it was found that in order to create favorable conditions for entrepreneurs starting their activities in small industrial zones, projects on the formation of internal and external engineering and communication networks were not fully developed. No work was carried out to supply electricity, natural gas, drinking water and sewer systems. In Kibray and Akhangaran districts, sanitary standards for the distance between industrial enterprises and settlements are not observed in the establishment of small industrial zones.  

As you know, if the entrepreneur spends a lot of time and money to start production, respectively, is delayed and the export of products. At the meeting of the Deputy group of the regional Kengash people's deputies, held in the regional Khokimiyat, in order to eliminate a number of similar shortcomings Khokimiyat districts and cities were given appropriate instructions for the allocation of additional land for small industrial zones and the creation of favorable conditions for beginning entrepreneurs.

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