08 june 2023 y.
International standard ISO 9001:2015. Another successful audit
Another successful audit
june 08
16 february 2023 y.
On the Way to Improving Anti-Corruption Activities
On January 17-20, 2023, 4 employees of the UzEngineering RDI were trained at the training course “Manager of the Anti-Corruption Management System according to ISO 37001:2016”, organized by the International Training Company with the necessary experience and license in this field.
feb. 16
13 june 2022 y.
The team of internal auditors of the Institute has replenished
May 17-20, 2022 three employees of "UzEngineering" RDI were trained in the licensed training course "Manager / Internal auditor of the quality management system for ISO 9001:2015", organized by the International Training Company CERT Academy.
june 13
22 april 2022 y.
Another advanced training of design engineers
On April 20, 2022, a training webinar was held for design engineers of the Institute at the "UzEngineering" RDI on the topic "Development of the "Process" section: from P&ID to obtaining ISO drawings", organized by the company "CAD SYSTEMS" (Russia).
apr. 22
19 april 2022 y.
Renewable energy: is everything so simple?
As noted earlier, the Republican Design Institute "UzEngineering", with the involvement of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan, systematically conducts practical work to improve the skills of engineering personnel in the field of design, with the involvement of leading sp...
apr. 19
18 april 2022 y.
Anticorruption behaviour – is an element of corporate ethics
On April 18, 2022, a seminar on the topic "Corruption countermeasures" was held at the Republican Design Institute "UzEngineering". The lecturer was a candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, legal adviser to the Head of the branch of Moscow State University named after ...
apr. 18
30 march 2022 y.
On March 30, 2022, within the framework of cooperation with the SES Foundation (Germany), a three-day training on the topic “Introduction and overview of renewable energy sources” was launched at UzEngineering RDI
From March 30 to April 1 this year within the framework of cooperation with the SES Foundation (Senior Experten Service, Germany) with the participation of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Uzbekistan, a three-day training on the topic “Introduction and review of renewable energy so...
mar. 30
28 march 2022 y.
Another phase of trainings and master classes from SES Foundation (Germany) is starting in RDI UzEngineering
In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 22, 2018 No.PP-3557 «On measures to further improve design work and the training system for design engineers in the basic sectors of the economy», Republican Design Institute UzEngineering systematically cond...
mar. 28
29 november 2021 y.
Republican Design Institute UzEngineering has implemented architecture and urban design educational project
The Republican Design Institute UzEngineering in cooperation with the Fulbright Foundation (USA) organized lectures and master classes of architecture and urban design expert Allen Swerdlowe in accordance with presidential executive order dd. February 22, 2018, No. PP-3557 “Regarding measure...
nov. 29
11 december 2019 y.
A Memorandum of Co-operation was signed with LLC «Orgneftekhim-Holding»
Within the tasks defined by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 03/14/2017. No. PP – 2831 «About Additional Measures on the Improvement of Design Work Efficiency in the Basic Sectors of the Economy», on December 11, 2019, between UzEngineering RDI and LLC «Orgneftekhim-Holding»...
dec. 11