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Republican Design Institute UzEngineering has implemented architecture and urban design educational project

29 november 2021 y.

The Republican Design Institute UzEngineering in cooperation with the Fulbright Foundation (USA) organized lectures and master classes of architecture and urban design expert Allen Swerdlowe in accordance with presidential executive order dd. February 22, 2018, No. PP-3557 “Regarding measures for further improvement of design works and design-engineers training system for the key sectors of economy”, in furtherance of implementation of practical measures for improvement of engineers training system in the field of design and project management and involvement of leading specialists and design-engineers from foreign engineering companies into an educational process, which took place from November 8 till December 2, 2021 in the technical academic institutions of Uzbekistan, namely Tashkent State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent and Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

During the lectures and master classes, Allen Swerdlowe shared his experience of participation in large-scale projects, such as “Reconstruction of New York World Trading Center”, “Brooklyn waterfront revitalization”, “Reconstruction of Weston Public Library” and many others. Together with students and teachers, he discussed different topics, such as environment and greening of the buildings, parks, plazas and streets of the cities, rethinking of planning, design and architecture in the post-Covid era, innovations in an architecture and modern construction methods, efficient urban design with consideration of transportation system development and many others. Students actively participated in discussions, shared their projects with the expert and received many helpful hints and answers on their questions.

Mr. Swerdlowe reviewed educational plans for selected architecture disciplines and gave his proposals for expansion of them during meetings with academic staff of architectural faculties.

On November 11, 2021, RDI UzEngineering, Sustainable construction council of Uzbekistan and Engineer Consultants association of Uzbekistan organized an event in the IT Park regarding Urban Construction and Environment. This event have been participated by representatives of Ministry of Construction, Tashkent State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering and construction companies. Mr. Allen Swerdlowe presented his presentation “New York: Grey or Green”, where he said about New York City experience regarding sustainability and greening.

It is important to note that Mr. Allen Swerdlowe has 35-years’ experience in the field of architecture and urban design, he is the chairman of New York New Visions (NYNV) site planning committee, member of the AIA's Design Awards committee, advisor of Regional Planning Association and Head of Construction Committee of Weston, Connecticut.

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