The signing of the Memorandum - the new stage of cooperation
07 november 2019 y.
In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 22, 2018 No.PP-3557 «On measures to further improve design work and the training system for design engineers in the basic sectors of the economy», «UzEngineering» Republican Design Institute is constantly working on interaction with educational institutions of the republic in the field of improving the system of training qualified engineers in the field of design and project management.
Activities in this direction are carried out at different levels, but it begins at the stage of secondary specialized education - in lyceums and colleges, because it is in these educational institutions that the younger generation is interested in the future profession. It is for this reason that RDI «UzEngineering» pays attention to training issues at the initial stage of professional education.
«We decided to start introducing students to the basics of design, so that a person who graduates from the Lyceum can choose a profession based on the fact that he understands it,» said Shamil Shaimardanov, First Deputy Director of the RDI «UzEngineering».
In this regard, on November 7, 2019 RDI «UzEngineering» signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the Academic Lyceum at the Tashkent Architectural and Construction Institute. The purpose of the Memorandum is to launch joint initiatives with the Academic Lyceum to provide support to students in the framework of RDI «UzEngineering». Among the primary tasks is the organization and conduct of events, including seminars and trainings. The parties also came to an understanding on familiarizing students with modern requirements in industrial construction, design, project management, industrial development and other areas.
«We are very pleased to cooperate with RDI «UzEngineering», - said the Director of the Academic Lyceum Gulom Saidov - In order to increase knowledge and interest in the field of design, the memorandum provides for familiarization of students with the basics of project activities.
It is also worth noting that RDI «UzEngineering» intends to continue to work actively in this direction with other specialized lyceums and colleges, creating conditions and opportunities for students to realize their creative and professional potential.