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20 July 2018 | Source: RDI "UzEngineering" 1102

Created the Agency for the development of atomic energy "Uzatom"

By the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev dated July 19 "On Measures for the Development of Nuclear Energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan" was established the Agency for the development of nuclear energy under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzatom Agency).

In the Agency will establish the Scientific and Technical and Expert Council which will include representatives of the Security Council under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Academy of Sciences, the State Inspectorate “Sanoatgeocontechnazorat”, the Ministry of Health and other ministries and departments, as well as international experts in the field of nuclear power development.

By the decree is envisages the drafting of a law “on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes” until October, by the end of the year - the draft Concept for the development of nuclear energy in Uzbekistan for the period 2019-2029, until June 2019 - the portfolio of investment projects for the development of nuclear energy, until November 2019 - draft state program for the development of nuclear energy for the period 2019-2029.

The document also intends to approve the quotas of admission to the National University of Uzbekistan and the Samarkand State University for training highly qualified personnel in the field of nuclear energy before the end of the year. It is planned to organize training and internships for students in foreign educational institutions in the field of nuclear energy.

For reference:

According to the agreement with the state corporation "Rosatom" in Uzbekistan by 2028 is planned to build a nuclear power plant. The complex will consist of two power units with a capacity of 1200 megawatts each.

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