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7 December 2018 | Source: RDI "UzEngineering" 552

Training on "Project Management and Project Success"

In order to ensure the timely and high-quality execution of the President decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan February 22, 2018, № PD-3557 “On measures to further improve the design work and training system for design engineers in basic sectors of the economy” purposeful work is being carried out in terms of training qualified engineering and technical personnel in the field of design for replenishment of design institutes by specialists who understand international design standards.

In this regard RDI "UzEngineering" together with the Korean engineering company "SK Engineering & Construction" from 8 to 12 October 2018 was held training for specialists of design institutes and also for the faculty of technical universities of the republic.

During the training representatives of SK Engineering & Construction introduced the audience to the basics of project management shared best practices in the field of design.

According to the results of the training all participants were awarded certificates.

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