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8 April 2019 | Source: RDI "UzEngineering" 431

"UzEngineering" Republican Design Institute keeps bringing joy to children with identified disabilities.

Supporting the President’s initiative on promoting reading among the younger generation, under the “#bookchallange” initiative, the Republican Design Institute of "UzEngineering" handed over some more books and school supplies to the mobility-challenged disabled children.

На этот раз книги были вручены Общественному Объединению, Фонду «APLA», которая существует с 2002 года и занимается выявлением и популяризацией проблемных аспектов жизни детей с ограниченными физическими возможностями, взаимопомощь и привлечение детей с ограниченными физическими возможностями к активной общественной жизни.

“The role of books is very important in developing children, in raising personalities who will make an invaluable contribution to the future of our country,” the Institute staff said in their address to the children. “- Today we have made our own contribution to your library. Each book is a whole universe, each time you read it – you will discover a new world.”

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