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28 Dec 2023

Taking into account the active participation in scientific research and production activities, as well as the successes achieved in inventive work, scientific publications, as well as the preparation of books and teaching aids, Gani Ikramovich Ikramov, Deputy chief engineer of the Gas and Oil Processing Department of the UzEngineering Republican Design Institute, Honoured Inventor and Efficiency Improver of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was awarded the title of Academician of the Turon Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Decision of the Office of the Council of the Turon Academy of Sciences No. 1/11–23 dated 26.11.2023.

The ceremony for awarding the academician’s diploma, as well as the «Academician» badge, took place on 27.12.2023 in the building of the UzEngineering Republican Design Institute. The awarding ceremony was attended by managers and senior officials of the Institute.

The diploma of the Academy Fellow, as well as the badge, were presented to Gani Ikramov by Zafar Iskandarov, the Vice President of the Turon Academy, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, academician, professor. Palvan Kalandarov, full member of the Turon Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr.-Ing., also attended the awarding ceremony.

Gani Ikramov was born on June 29, 1947. In 1971, he graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (currently — Tashkent State Technical University) with a degree in electronic engineering. He has been working for more than 50 years in engineering and managerial positions in educational, scientific, production and design institutions of the republic, of which 17 years were devoted to activities in UzEngineering RDI. He owns about 100 inventions and patents in science, technology, and industry, and is the author of more than 170 scientific articles. He is veteran of labour, awardee of the Republican Youth Prize in science and engineering.

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