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Deputy Director
+998(78) 113-02-80 (ext. 304)
E-mail: info@uzeng.uz

Coordinates the work of the Institute's divisions:

  • - on development of pre-design documentation in the sections that reflect marketing research and assess the financial and economic efficiency of the project;
  • - on conducting economic analysis of pre-design documentation of investment projects;
  • - on implementation of various information and analytical work related to the main activities of the Institute;
  • - to improve the quality management system (QMS) at the Institute;
  • - оrganization of the work of the performance discipline control group in terms of the timely execution of policy documents, at the request of individuals and legal entities, etc.

Born on September 23, 1976 in Tashkent, graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute.

B.Kh. Rashidov began his career in 1999 as an economist in the financial department of the Tashkent region. Since 2001, he has worked in various positions, including management, in the State Committee for Demonopolization and Development of Competition of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Since 2013, he continued his labor activity at the State Institute "Uztyazhneftegazkhimproekt" under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Since April 2022, he is working as Deputy Director of the Republican Design Institute "UzEngineering" under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

16:00 - 18:00
16:00 - 18:00
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