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30 Mar 2018

Within the framework of accomplishment of the tasks determined by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 22.02.2018. № PP-3557 «On measures for further improvement of the design work and the system of training design engineers in the basic sectors of economy», Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» is carrying-out the activities to create at the design institutes of the republic, specializing in the development and adaptation of project documentation in the basic sectors of the economy, project teams with participation of specialists of foreign engineering companies for training in practice of domestic design engineers with modern design standards.

So, in order to exchange experience and train specialists of design organizations with advanced international design methods, ensure the introduction of advanced methods of organization of design works in the design processes based on international best practices, a memorandum was signed with the South Korean company «SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.», having an extensive experience in providing design, procurement, construction and commissioning services for industrial, civil and infrastructure facilities in 25 countries, including Korea, Asian-Pacific Region, Middle East, Europe, Africa, South America, Canada and the US.

This company, founded in 1977 and currently being one of the largest South Korean conglomerates with an annual turnover of 122 billion US dollars, specializes in engineering and provision of EPC services, including project management, in the field of mining, hydro and electrical power, renewable energy, petrochemicals, oil and gas processing, electronics, telecommunications, marketing and logistics.

Within the framework of cooperation with the South Korean company, it is envisaged to train the specialists of the RDI «UzEngineering» with progressive design methods, followed by the joint development of detailed design documentation on investment projects and provision of services under the EPC contract, as well as implementing programs for the exchange of specialists.

The implementation of the above-stated measures will allow to effectively implement modern innovative methods of work organization and improve the system of retraining and advanced training of domestic design engineers.

Source: RDI «UzEngineering» / Views: 1293
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