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Another phase of trainings and master classes from SES Foundation (Germany) is starting in RDI UzEngineering
28 Mar 2022

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 22, 2018 No.PP-3557 «On measures to further improve design work and the training system for design engineers in the basic sectors of the economy», Republican Design Institute UzEngineering systematically conducts practical works for improvement of engineers training system in the field of design with involvement of leading specialists and design-engineers from foreign engineering companies.

For the purpose of practical implementation and execution of these tasks for the purpose of professional development of design works localization, with further step-by-step substitution of foreign engineering companies’ services, the close cooperation of local specialists with SES Foundation (Germany) is conducted, by involvement of foreign experts in training delivery and experience exchange, in various design and project management disciplines.

For instance, from March 30 till April 16, 2022 series of activities for local specialists from energy and design fields, as well as for students and teaching staff of technical academic institutions of the country are planned, including: trainings, master classes, practical exchange of experience with visiting energy expert from Germany – Sabine Altmann. Trainings on following topics will be conducted “Review of renewable energy sources”, “Solar and wind energy”, “Energy entrepreneurship” etc.

It is worth pointing out that visiting expert, Madam Altmann, is the specialist in following disciplines such as solar technology, small hydropower, bio-gas and small wind turbine operations. She has practical experience of projects implementation with use of renewable energy sources. She directly involved in implementation of projects in USA, Turkey, Uganda, Kenia, Tanzania, Nepal, Indonesia.

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