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Anticorruption behaviour – is an element of corporate ethics
18 Apr 2022

On April 18, 2022, a seminar on the topic "Corruption countermeasures" was held at the Republican Design Institute "UzEngineering". The lecturer was a candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, legal adviser to the Head of the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the city of Tashkent - Abzalov Erkin Mekhmanovich.

This event, organized by the Department of internal anti-corruption control of the Institute, is aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of the Institute's staff in the field of combating corruption. It was carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of promotional activities aimed at developing an uncompromising attitude towards corruption among the employees of the Institute, legal awareness and legal culture for combating corruption, as well as raising awareness of generally accepted anti-corruption procedures.

During the seminar, it was noted that corruption as a social phenomenon continues to exist at the present time in almost all countries of the world, regardless of political development, including in Uzbekistan, and differs only in scale. Corruption manifestations hinder the process of the country's socio-economic development, building of a market economy, attraction of investments, and negatively affect political and public institutions. The fight against corruption has been identified as one of the main priorities of state policy in Uzbekistan. The President of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev, speaking about the fight against corruption, has repeatedly stressed that corruption cannot be defeated without the participation of society.

During the seminar, the participants exchanged views on the issues highlighted by the lecturer. It was stated that the Institute adheres to high legal, ethical and moral standards in carrying out business activities and in relations with business partners and other organizations.

The Institute's anti-corruption policy establishes the principle of zero tolerance for corruption in any form and manifestation, which means a complete prohibition for the Institute's employees, directly or indirectly, personally or through any mediation, to participate in corrupt practices.

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