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30 Mar 2018

At present, the Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» has started work on improving the system of training engineering personnel in the field of design and project management, involving in the educational process leading specialists and design engineers from foreign educational institutions and engineering companies.

The relevance and importance of taking the plunge in this direction is motivated by the shortage of qualified personnel in the core design institutes of the republic, the insufficient level of introduction of modern innovative methods of work organization, and, as a consequence, the poor quality of the currently developed design documentation.

In order to improve the quality of design works and the level of their localization, with the phased replacement of services of foreign engineering companies in the implementation of investment and infrastructure projects within the framework of the state programs for the development of the republic, as well as the training of highly qualified personnel in this field, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 22.02.2018. No. PP-3557 «On measures for further improvement of design works and the system of training of design engineers in the basic sectors of the economy» the RDI «UzEngineering» is defined the body that carries out interaction between specialized higher education institutions and design organizations on the preparation of highly qualified design engineers.

At the first stage, it is envisaged to organize targeted internships, as well as the on-the-job training of students of specialized higher education institutions in the RDI «UzEngineering» and other design organizations,carrying out of presentations, lectures, researches, with granting to students an opportunity to improve qualification in the field of use of modern design and building technologies. In addition, affording grants to gifted undergraduate and graduate students is provided, with rendering assistance to higher educational institutions in launching joint initiatives to support students in the framework of initiative projects in various areas of core business.

So, in this direction, the relevant memorandums with the Navoi State Mining Institute and the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent have already been signed, the memorandums with the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Inga University in Tashkent, Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology and Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction are in a signature state.

In addition, together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, a draft program of joint actions is being carried-out to develop and improve the system of training of engineering personnel in the field of design and project management in higher educational institutions of the republic.

All this, in the final analysis, is aimed at increasing the professionalism and development of practical skills of students, as well as familiarizing them with modern requirements in industrial construction, design, project management, industrial development and other areas of activity.

Source: RDI «UzEngineering» / Views: 1093
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