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28 Sep 2023

28.09.2023 a round table meeting was held at the UzEngineering RDI to discuss issues of promoting certification of engineers in the construction industry.
During the round table, the head of the ENGINE project «Capacity Building of industry associations serving engineering companies in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan» Evia Pudane held a presentation on the results of the project implementation in the republic. There were also presentations by project partners. The round table participants discussed further activities to improve the qualifications of engineers and assess their knowledge through certification.

For reference:

ENGINE project «Capacity building of industry associations serving engineering companies in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan», co-financed by the European Union under the «Central» Asia Invest V» program aims to develop and implement the certification process from the development of professional standards, the creation of a certification system and conformity assessment to the creation of a process of continuous monitoring and support of the qualification level of specialists.

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