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About the Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering»
under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Chapter 1. General Provisions

1. This Regulation, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2831 dated March 14th, 2017 «On additional measures to improve the efficiency of design work in the basic sectors of the e conomy», defines the main tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities, organizational bases for the activities of the Republican Design Institute «UzEngineering» under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - the Institute).
2. The Institute develops and adapts feasibility studies and calculations (FS, TEC) of investment projects as well as the development of project (working documentation), expertise and technical support of projects in the basic economy sectors in the field of geology, fuel energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries (with the exception of the oil and gas industry in accordance with the requirement of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 19th, 2017 No. PP-2901 «On improving the order of organization of design work in the oil and gas industry»).
3. The Institute is guided in its activity by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this Regulation, and other regulatory enactments.
4. The Institute is a legal entity in the form of a state institution, has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its name in the state language and in its activities is accountable to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. Supervision of the activities of the Institute is entrusted to the Complex for investment, innovative development, coordination of the activities of free economic and small industrial zones, tourism of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
6. The Institute has an independent balance sheet, bank accounts, including foreign currency, separate property on the right of full operational control, is liable for its obligations with its property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, incur obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in the courts.

Chapter 2. The main tasks and functions of the Institute

7. In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2831 dated March 14th, 2017 «On additional measures to increase the efficiency of design work in the basic economy sectors» the main tasks of the Institute are: 

  • development of pre-design and design documentation, including adaptation of pre-design and design documentation developed by foreign design organizations to regulatory documents in the field of technical regulation and standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • technical support of projects, carrying out and support together with the initiators of competitive bidding of projects in the basic economic sectors (in terms of design);
  • consideration and agreement of the concepts of structural transformations of the basic economy sectors, modernization and technical reconstruction of the objects of geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries, developed by the sectorial departments;
  • review and approval of the concepts of structural transformations of the basic sectors of the economy, modernization and technical reconstruction of facilities of geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries developed by sectoral departments;
  • participation in review of investment projects submitted for inclusion in the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the construction and modernization of enterprises in basic sectors of the economy;
  • implementation into design processes of progressive methods of organizing design works based on advanced foreign experience with the involvement of foreign design and engineering organizations;
  • development of the direction of independent development of design (detailed) documentation for investment projects as well as adaptation of design (detailed) documentation developed by foreign design organizations with the subsequent assumption of the functions of a general contractor for the development of design documentation for projects of basic economy sectors;
  • involvement of domestic and foreign specialized design institutes as subcontractors as well as leading specialists for the development of pre-design and design documentation for investment projects on the basis of direct civil law contracts;
  • carrying out an in-depth analysis of the world market of advanced technologies and equipment that meet modern requirements for productivity and quality of manufactured products, energy and resource conservation as well as environmental standards with the exception of the import of unpromising, morally and physically obsolete equipment and technologies into the Republic;
  • selection of advanced high-tech, energy-efficient equipment and technologies during design;
  • close cooperation with industry scientific and technical and expert councils of the basic economy sectors in terms of development and approval of the pre-design, design & detailed design documentation;
  • formation and constant updating of information and analytical database on modern equipment and technologies produced abroad, their technical and production and economic characteristics, the level of efficiency and the degree of practical approbation as well as the main foreign manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech equipment, developers and licensors of technology in the profile activities;
  • collection and generalization of information on proposals received from foreign investors and companies for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of industrial enterprises and participation in the development of proposals for the implementation of new investment projects focused on the production of competitive ready-made and semi-finished products in demand on the world and home markets by processing local raw materials;
  • development of recommendations on the marginal parameters of prices for main process equipment, as well as the cost of turnkey projects in accordance with the proposed technology;
  • carrying out an independent technical and economic expertise of investment projects commissioned by ministries, departments, economic management bodies in the basic sectors of the economy.
  • determination of the main directions for the development of design in the basic economy sectors as well as the implementation of interaction between specialized higher educational institutions, enterprises and design institutes of the basic economy sectors on the preparation of highly qualified design engineers
8. In accordance with the tasks assigned, the Institute performs the following functions:
  • as a general contractor - carries out the development and adaptation of pre-design & design documentation for investment projects in the basic economy sectors;
  • organizes the work of the Scientific and Technical Council in accordance with of with the regulations of the Institute;
  • monitors the progress of preparation of pre-design & design documentation as well as the implementation of projects in the basic economy sectors, approved by the relevant decisions of the Government, on the basis of information received from industry departments - project initiators, including geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries;
  • collects and summarizes information (including on the basis of information from industry departments - initiators of projects in the basic economy sectors) on proposals from foreign investors and companies for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of industrial enterprises;
  • participates in the development of proposals for the implementation of new investment projects focused on the production of competitive ready-made products and industrial semi-finished products in demand on the world and home markets through the processing of local raw materials;
  • participates in reviewing and approving the concepts of structural transformations in the basic economy sectors, modernization and technical reconstruction of geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries developed by the sectorial departments, as well as in consideration of investment projects submitted for inclusion in the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan construction and modernization of enterprises in the basic economy sectors;
  • organizes training and professional development of its own specialists and engineers both in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad, and attracts leading specialists of local and foreign design and engineering companies for this;
  • implement in the project activity a progressive design methodology based on advanced foreign experience, aimed at developing the direction of independent development of project (detailed design) documentation of investment projects, as well as adaptation of project (detailed design) documentation developed by foreign design organizations;
  • on the basis of regular subscription foreign and domestic publications and catalogs, collects information and forms a database of modern energy-saving equipment, manufacturers and licensors of technology, conducts analysis of the market of advanced technologies, with their subsequent application in the design of objects in the basic economic sectors;
  • commissioned by ministries, departments, economic management bodies in the basic economy sectors, carries out independent technical and economic expertise of investment projects, as well as issues recommendations on the maximum parameters of prices for basic technological equipment and the cost of turnkey projects in accordance with the proposed technology;
  • performs other functions in accordance with the legislation.

Chapter 3. Rights and responsibilities of the Institute

9. The Institute has the right: 

  • request and receive in accordance with the established procedure gratuitously from ministries, departments and other organizations documents, statistical, analytical and other data necessary to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Institute;
  • in the development of pre-design and design documentation as well as the adaptation of projects developed by foreign design organizations, on an exceptional basis, to conclude direct subcontract agreements with domestic specialized design organizations for certain types of work as well as to enter into direct contracts with foreign design and engineering organizations to carry out works, related to the tasks assigned to the Institute;
  • if there are discrepancies between the parameters of technical specifications assigned to the development of pre-design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure, to the energy efficiency requirements, the modernity of technologies and equipment used in the projects, to return them to customers for revision;
  • engage in the framework of the activities carried out as consultants and experts, highly qualified specialists from project organizations, ministries, departments and other organizations, including foreign ones;
  • direct their employees to training and training in leading domestic design institutes and foreign training centers of engineering companies as well as to manufacturing enterprises to improve their skills;
  • establish on the basis of the Institute courses for training and improving the skills of its employees as well as on a contractual basis for specialists of other organizations;
  • hold meetings with the participation of authorized bodies of expertise and other organizations on ensuring timely and quality development, adaptation, expertise and timely advancement of pre-design & design documentation of investment projects in the basic economy sectors;
  • on a contractual basis, conduct marketing research, provide consulting and other services related to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Institute;
  • create temporary working groups for the development of pre-design and design documentation for strategically important projects, including on a contractual basis, with the involvement of highly qualified specialists from ministries, departments and organizations;
  • carry out publishing activities in accordance with the established procedure, issue and distribute information materials, periodicals and other printed products;
  • participate in consideration and make proposals when agreeing technical and economic parameters of the projects when forming the annual Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan, introduced by line ministries and departments, as well as programs for the development of economic sectors for the near and long-term prospects;
  • create consortia or participate in consortia, and also to establish joint ventures with leading local and foreign engineering companies for joint participation in the development and implementation of projects in the basic economy sectors as well as own subsidiaries and branches;
  • make suggestions and recommendations on the improvement of the existing regulatory framework in the sphere of design and construction of facilities in the basic economy sectors;
  • apply, when necessary, foreign and international standards and standards for the design of objects in the basic economy sectors as well as the adaptation of projects without bringing them into line with the construction norms and standards in the field of technical regulation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of requests from foreign customers and investors and with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • monitor companies and specialists involved as consultants for the implementation of investment projects financed by international financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as IFIs), provide services for the selection of international consultants within the framework of the rules and requirements of IFIs for the development of feasibility studies and preparation reports, management and supervision, regarding the implementation of investment projects in the basic economy sectors;
  • participate in competitive bidding for the definition of an international consultant to provide services for the development of a feasibility study and prepare reports as a general contractor, a consortium member or a subcontractor;
  • consult on the composition of tender and design documentation when organizing and conducting competitive bidding;

  • develop and improve the quality management system (hereinafter - QMS) of the Institute with the allocation of the necessary funds for conducting certification audits by certifying bodies, the involvement of consultants to provide advice, and material incentives for employees responsible for the functioning and improvement of the QMS of the Institute;
  • purchase the necessary licensed programs and systems for carrying out design works of any complexity, as well as necessary equipment, as an exception, under direct contracts with manufacturers or their official dealers;
  • attract grants from international financial institutions and donor organizations to ensure the development of the Institute;
  • implement jointly with authorized bodies and organizations international systems of standards for safety and labor protection and other standards;
  • together with specialized organizations, organize forums, including international ones, and also take part in international forums, exhibitions and conferences in order to promote their services in the market of Uzbekistan and abroad;
  • provide the Institute's premises for rent in accordance with the established procedure.

10. The Institute may have other rights in accordance with the law.
11. The Institute is responsible for the effective performance of the tasks and functions assigned to it.

Chapter 4. Structure of the Institute 

12. The main structural units of the Institute, engaged in production processes, are: 

  • branch bureaus, headed by the chief engineers of the project;
  • bureau of the chief architect of the project;
  • department for the development prospects of basic industries;
  • department of scientific and technical and information-analytical developments;
  • Feasibility Study department;
  • department of Information and Communication Technologies;
  • a group for monitoring and coordinating the preparation of projects and expertise of design documentation;
  • information and analytical department for the formation of a database of advanced technologies and equipment;
  • department of preparation and holding of competitive bids;
  • department of budget works;
  • department of project issuance;
  • financial and contractual department;
  • department of financial and economic analysis of projects.

Chapter 5. Organization of the Institute

13. The Institute is headed by a director.

14. The Director of the Institute is appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the head of the Complex for the integrated development of territories and public utilities, transport, capital construction, and the construction industry of the Cabinet of Ministers.

15. Deputy Directors of the Institute are appointed and dismissed by the Cabinet of Ministers on the proposal of the Director of the Institute.

16. The director of the Institute is equal in status to the deputy minister.

Chapter 6. Final Provision.

17. Reorganization and liquidation of the Institute are carried out in accordance with the statutory procedure.

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